Are you good at giving? Or do you sometimes feel so good at giving that it depletes you? And are you good at receiving? Or do you right away feel a need to give back when you receive?
The universe operates through dynamic exchange, a circular flow of giving and receiving. This means that the energy you give with, is the energy you receive with. And the energy you receive with feeds back into the energy you give with. This circular flow can be explained philosophically, spiritually, and scientifically.
Karmic flow of giving and receiving
Philosophically, there is for example the concept of Karma. This concept is central to many Eastern philosophies, such as Hinduism, different forms of Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The concept of Karma refers to the idea that every action has a consequence. More specifically, the quality of your actions determines the quality of your life. In terms of giving and receiving this means that what is important is the quality of giving and the quality of receiving. When you give something, such as a gift or a compliment, what is the true intention behind it? Similarly, how do you feel when you receive something?
The law of attraction
From a spiritual viewpoint, and in my understanding also scientific, there is the law of attraction. The literal definition is that 'like attracts like', meaning that whatever you give your emotional energy and attention to, is what will come back to you.
Although the law of attraction is by some considered pseudoscience due to lack of evidence, I would say that in a way this law works according to similar principles of the (scientific) confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias or psychological phenomenon. It entails the tendency to seek out and prefer information that supports your existing beliefs or values, while ignoring or discrediting information that contradicts them. This means that when your mindset is positive and you are tuned into that higher frequency, you are more likely to notice positive occurrences and opportunities. In the same way, when your thoughts are more negative and you are tuned into that lower frequency, you are more likely to notice. Similar to the law of attraction, then, positive thoughts will attract positive experiences and negative thoughts will attract negative experiences.
In terms of giving and receiving, the law of attraction entails that the key is to give and receive with a positive attitude, without expecting anything in return and with gratitude for what we have. When you give do you do so without expecting something in return? And when you receive can you do so without feeling a need to give something back right away?
The principle of conservation of energy
Finally, scientifically, there is the principle of conservation of energy. This principle is a fundamental law of physics and states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but only transformed from one form to another. This principle implies that the energy you put out in the world, is the energy you get back, although not necessarily in the same form or at the same time. In other words, the quality of the energy you give with, is the quality of energy you will receive and the energy you receive with, will influence the quality of energy you can give with again.
How can you receive and give better?
Earlier I asked you how you give and how you receive. Do you consider yourself good at it? And how do both of these acts make you feel? Your desire to give can be the result of various emotions or motivations that oftentimes go unnoticed and remain unconscious. By becoming aware of these emotions and motivations, you can start making changes that make both giving and receiving more pleasurable for you.
If giving depletes you and you feel as if you are giving too much, it might be that you are not giving with the right intention. It might be that you give because you feel you are expected to, or because you fear hurting someone if you do not give, or because you think you need to give in order to receive. Be mindful that this energy will be transferred to the people that are receiving, so neither of you will truly benefit from it when you give out of guilt, fear, or a sense of need.
Healthy giving, on the other hand, happens from a place of unconditional love and without expecting anything in return. Try to only give when you can do so from that place. When you do so you will never feel like your cup is empty and giving becomes an energizing and liberating act. In this case too, this energy will be transferred to the people that are receiving your giving, so it really is a win win.
Similarly, if receiving makes you feel uncomfortable, or if you feel like you do not deserve it, or it stimulates the fear that you have to give back right away: you are not receiving in a healthy way. Again, this energy impacts both you as the receiver and the giver. Becoming aware of these emotions and motivations when you receive can point out underlying blockages or negative thoughts, that you can then (slowly) start to change.

To receive in a healthy way, then, means focusing on the meaning of the exchange. Assume that the person who is giving to you is doing so from a place of love and without expecting anything in return. This might not always be the case and sometimes you cannot change that energy completely, but you can control the energy with which you receive. If you receive from a place of gratitude, appreciation and love, that energy will feed back to the giver too.
If you want to give more freely and in a way that energizes you rather than depletes you, reflect on the energy you are currently giving with AND on the energy you are currently receiving with. Similarly, if you want to receive more or differently, reflect on the energy you are currently receiving AND giving with. So next time you give or receive, be mindful of this energy. And don't judge yourself, just notice! Through awareness can you make changes.
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